Monday, August 17, 2009

Vacation Time

It has been AWHILE since I have posted!! Things are going well, actually, they are great! On July 7th we were blessed with information regarding our son, Eyerusalem Samuel. This Friday, August 21st, is our court date. Please pray for us that we make it through the first time, and that there are no unforseen delays.

I have taken this week for vacation with the family. We are in Madison getting ready for some back to school shopping. Then, we are heading to Door County for some exploring! Looking forward to it before things get crazy busy again.

I cannot believe that in 30-60 days I will be in Ethiopia (if we make it through court the first time). It is so exciting, yet so surreal yet. I cannot wait to post pics of our little guy after Friday!!!!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Great blog, Jodi! I can't wait to read it when you're in ET!!!