Monday, April 4, 2011

Has it really been this long?????

As I was reading through the posts that I had on here just 1 1/2 years ago, it amazes me how much things have changed. Sam has grown....alot. He is 10.5 inches taller and weighs about 15 pounds more than when we brought him home last October. He is totally amazing and makes us all laugh! Mariah, Chloe, and Alexa love him--even through sometimes he drives them a little crazy :)

We are very much looking forward to more changes in our household....John is finishing school in less than three weeks and hopefully we are starting on our addition for our house in the near future. I am praying that these changes are not too stressful on our family as we will need to find temporary housing while the house is being worked on.

More later!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Back in the swing of things?

Things have been going pretty well here at the Matthews household. The exhaustion is finally dissipating on my part, and we are getting into a good routine. It seems the "honeymoon" phase is over for Samuel, and we are getting accustomed to his needs as his grasp of the English language continues to develop.

During the first two weeks we would experience bouts of tantrums, probably 4-6 times per day. It has tremendously decreased these past few weeks. Samuel keeps a close eye on me at all times but does not cry when I leave the room any longer. He is also starting to play a bit more by himself or with the dogs. Sam is also very fascinated with turning on/off light switches and closing doors. If you come to visit during the day, don't be alarmed to see all of our outside lights turned on!

He is now sleeping in his room, but is most comfortable on the floor with one of his sisters instead of in his bed. It was a bit of a transition to get him to this point, but he loves his "Cars" room so that helps.

I don't feel as if I am accomplishing much at home at this point, but our #1 goal is to bond and make him as comfortable as we can in our home as quickly as possible and it seems to be going very well.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Home at last

Hi, just wanted to let everyone know that we arrived home last evening. The plane rides home were a bit of a challenge but we made it. The internet was so spotty while we were there and for some reason it wouldn't let anyone post to blogs or facebook after Saturday. Thanks for all of the prayers--I am very glad to be home!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Today's news

Hi everyone,

Thanks for all of the comments-it is very nice to be able to read these while over here! I just lost everything I typed, so here it goes again. I was able to visit with Eyerusalem twice today, and he is such a little cutie. He came to me right away and we played with stickers and books. When I left the first time, he was very upset--but fortunately a Grandma that came along was able to stay and comfort him. I was able to go shopping today in the Merkato and the garment district, which was very busy and somewhat overwhelming. Tomorrow I head to the Southern Region with the group-and we leave at 6 a.m. for our 3.5 hour trek. It will be nice to view more of the countryside. Farewell for now!

Friday, October 9, 2009

In Africa

I don't have long to type--the internet wasn't working earlier so there is a line now :) Getting here was very smooth, and I got to meet our little guy twice today--it was so hard leaving. I cannot wait to go back and see him in the morning. He sat on my lap for a few hours today and we colored for a long time.

Monday, October 5, 2009

The countdown

Two more one aspect I feel like I am doing pretty good with the preparations, on the other hand, it seems like I keep finding little things to take care of that I didn't have on my list! I am still working on the paperwork aspect but it is coming along--the real question many pay stubs do I need to bring? No one seems to know.....