Monday, April 4, 2011

Has it really been this long?????

As I was reading through the posts that I had on here just 1 1/2 years ago, it amazes me how much things have changed. Sam has grown....alot. He is 10.5 inches taller and weighs about 15 pounds more than when we brought him home last October. He is totally amazing and makes us all laugh! Mariah, Chloe, and Alexa love him--even through sometimes he drives them a little crazy :)

We are very much looking forward to more changes in our household....John is finishing school in less than three weeks and hopefully we are starting on our addition for our house in the near future. I am praying that these changes are not too stressful on our family as we will need to find temporary housing while the house is being worked on.

More later!

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