Saturday, October 10, 2009

Today's news

Hi everyone,

Thanks for all of the comments-it is very nice to be able to read these while over here! I just lost everything I typed, so here it goes again. I was able to visit with Eyerusalem twice today, and he is such a little cutie. He came to me right away and we played with stickers and books. When I left the first time, he was very upset--but fortunately a Grandma that came along was able to stay and comfort him. I was able to go shopping today in the Merkato and the garment district, which was very busy and somewhat overwhelming. Tomorrow I head to the Southern Region with the group-and we leave at 6 a.m. for our 3.5 hour trek. It will be nice to view more of the countryside. Farewell for now!


AmandaB said...

Jodi! So glad you are there! Loved reading your blog..give all the kidos a hug from me! Can't wait to meet your adorable son..God is Great! Thinking of you..see you soon!

Kari said...

Jodi - Happy you made it there safe and that all is going well! It's great to read about your journey and about Sam. I can not wait to meet him! We are thinking of the both of you. Safe travels home. Kari

Sally said...

Hi Jodi, Sounds like the bonding has a great start, can't wait to meet the little guy. Love and Hugs to you and Sam.

Wendy said...

He cried when you left! PRAISE GOD!!! He is already feeling that bond to you. What a blessing!

Dawn said...

Hi Jodi,
So glad that things are going well and that you had safe travels. We are praying for continued safety and that your time with him continues to go well. We love you. Dawn Wolf

Wendy said...

Greetings from Junction City to Jodi and Samuel (love that name!).

Jodi, Wendy shared your blog with me and it is certainly taking me back to last year when Paul and Wendy traveled to Ethiopia to bring back our new grandson. I'm reliving a little bit of Pete and me staying with Kelly, Erin and Judd at that time also. I so looked forward to checking the blog all the time in hopes that Paul and Wendy had written (when the power wasn't out), plus I'd try to update them every day on how our time together was going, and keep up our own paper journal for a surprise when they all returned. Perhaps JT will get a kick out of it one day when he is older.

Samuel looks to be a real charmer, and a bit happier than his first picture. If must be your effervescent personality that he has already caught onto, plus, does he realize that he already has you wrapped around his little finger and a piece of your heart? It didn't take JT long to catch on that we were all here to welcome him with open arms, and perhaps your Samuel will act the same. JT knew almost from the get-go that "more is better," but if Samuel takes longer to familiarize with everything and everyone, you are doing it correctly by the blogging message that you have sent out. Regardless, continued trust in God is all you need. Look what He has accomplished thus far blessing you with that little human being (plus a big dose of patience since this has been a long journey for you, hasn't it?). Well, it's plain to see the wait was worth it, and one day I hope to be asked to a play date with the Schlaefer clan so I can meet your new son. I best hang it up in case there is a limit to space for these comments. We Grandmas can get so into this grandkid excitement!!! It goes without saying, blessings to all of you and God speed on your trip home. Linda

Dawn said...

You were just on my mind so I thought I'd write you a quick message. Just wondering how you are and how everything is going? I will continue to uplift you in prayer. God's peace be upon you and Samuel. Love, Dawn

Betsy said...

Jodi - What a blessing to hear little Samuel is bonding already. My prayers are with you on your journey home. Can't wait to hear the next blog!
Blessings to you.

Unknown said...


I am so glad to hear that you and your little boy are bonding. What a gift from God!!! I hope you have safe travels home and hopefully when the time is right you will bring Samuel in so we can meet the newest member of your loving family. Safe travels!